Special message regarding COVID-19: Girl Scouts of Orange County is closely monitoring the COVID-19 updates from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the California Department of Public Health, and the Orange County Health Care Agency. Registrants will be notified if the decision is made to cancel Camp Programs (day camp, weekend camp, or summer resident camp) this summer due to recommendations from local and national health authorities. In the event of cancelation by GSOC, all registrants will receive a full refund.
Orange Day Camp
Location: Irvine Regional Park, 1 Irvine Park Rd, Orange, CA 92869
Date: June 22-26 2020
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Theme: Beauty and Brains
Camp Director: Teresa Beach

At our day camp we will explore how girls are beautiful from the inside out. How we use our brains to create, calculate, discover, interact and grow. All this as we express ourselves through music, art, science, dance and puzzle solving-all with our friends old and new.
Adult Volunteers: Adult Volunteers are essential for the supervision and success of Day Camp. For every six girls we need one full-time volunteer. Campers with full-time volunteers (attends all 5 days) will attend at a reduced fee. Accepting part-time volunteers on a limited basis, as needed.
We will be taking a field trip Santa Ana College Planetarium, which is included with Camper fee.
One t-shirt is included for all campers, full -time adult volunteers, youth staff, boys, and pixies. Part-time volunteers must purchase the t-shirt for $10. Extra t-shirts may be ordered at $8 per t-shirt. For sizes above XL, please add $1 for each X.
For more information please visit our website
Early Bird Registration ends May 9, 2020
Early Bird By May 9 |
May 10-May 16
Girl Scout Camper (Girls entering Kindergarten-7th grade) |
$100 |
$120 |
Girl Scout Camper of full-time adult day camp volunteer(1 per volunteer) |
$0 |
$0 |
Girl Scout Youth Staff (Girls entering 8th-12th grade) |
$20 |
$20 |
Pixie Camper (Girls & Boys 3-5 years old of adult volunteer)* |
$12 |
$12 |
Boy Campers (Boys entering K-7th grade of adult volunteer)* |
$12 |
$12 |
Full-Time Adult Volunteer |
$0 |
$0 |
Part-Time Adult Volunteer (t-shirt fee) |
$10 |
$10 |
*Pixie and Boy campers may only attend with their adult volunteer parent or guardian on days they are volunteering at camp.
** No camp fess are collected during the online registration process. All camp fees must be made directly to the Orange Day Camp Registration Team. Click the following link for more information and forms. Orange Day Camp Packet. Be sure to finish the online portion of registration by clicking Register below, then mail payment and forms. Forms and payment must be completed within 7 days of registration on this site.